Interested in a private class or having Lily present?
Download her list of ready-to-go classes and then in get in touch!

On this page:
1. Live Virtual Classes/Coaching (Wellness in Weeks/Wellness Business Bootcamp)
2. Online classes (self paced, take anytime)
3. In-Person Workshops
4. Ongoing Class Series (In Person and Online)

Live Virtual Classes & Coaching

Lily hosts monthly series with a live virtual class/meeting, plus homework lessons each week of that themed month. The result is the best of online classes (take anywhere, re-watch the recording) AND in person classes (with physical activities that you do to reinformce what you have learned).

Wellness Business Bootcamp

Launch an intentional, sustainable wellness business in 6 months- from conception top launch! A business plan, finances, operations, government bureaucracy, marketing, and digital presence are all covered!

Wellness in Weeks

A cohort of people looking for wellness, just like you! 6 months of live coaching classes, with weekly lessons/homework on that month's topic. Lily works to make lesons accessible and have them apply to everyone, especially people with chronic illness.

Each month, Lily hosts a monthly drop-in webinar on an herbalism topic. Come when you can, or take the whole series at a discount!

Exploring Herbalism

Online Courses

The People's Medicine Course, Year One

Want to learn how to use herbs for wellness and treatment, but are overwhelmed? Looking for a trustworthy guide? Lily has designed this class for you- the busy person who wants to learn in small, bite-sized chunks!

This class introduces a powerful plant ally each month. You get a downloadable book all about that plants; history, current use, contraindications, energetics, folklore, and more!

What's more- you get lessons each week of that month about your plant- these lessons include medicine and food preparations, conservation efforts, wildcrafting, and more!

To check out the syllabus and class, click here or the image above.
Lily wants herbalism to be affordable to all! Pay in full for a discount, or pay in monthly installments!

Bodies for Herbalists

This class is in process, not accepting new students. It is year two of a three year Foundational class for those that want ot be herbalists.

Ongoing Class Series